(For prior communications please see Archives)
March Anno Societatis XLIX
Greetings, Carolingians!
As Fergus and I begin our descent from the Baronial seats, we would like to make certain that our successors are well cared-for. To that end, I am seeking individuals willing to retain during the event on 4/4. No prior experience is necessary, but we absolutely need people to fill retainer shifts! As long as you can stand, walk, carry light objects (baskets, cups), and keep track of the time, we can use your skills!
If interested, please let me know at this address.Please also include if you have special restrictions (such as arriving late or leaving early) so that I may schedule the best shifts for all.
Side Note: if you are a Baronial Champion & believe you will be at the
event & are available to retain, please let me know. We don’t tend to ask much of our Champs, but it would be a huge help to have the extra hands!
Baroness V
baronessiv at gmail dot com
To Carolingians and all who intend to join us for Investiture on 4 April
from Colin and Nicolette:
We wish to share with you that Colin will be wearing English Tudor, specifically from a painting dated 1530-1550, and Nicolette, inasmuch as she is a Frenchwoman, will be wearing Tudor-era garb as was fashionable in Paris at around that time – most of the same components as an English Tudor lady’s garments but worn in a slightly different style.
We invite those of you who wish to bring your later-period garb out of the closet, or make garb for that general time, to join in! [ Colin asked: But how do you sit down in hoops??? 🙂 ]
Please know, however, that this is simply an invitation and nothing more. If folks do not care to wear this type of garb, please wear what pleases you – above all, your presence is the most important gift you bring to the day!
Related to a number of comments and questions we have received regarding Investiture, we would also like to share with you the following:
– The schedule for Investiture is terrifically tight. This places us in a challenging position because we want to be able to cheer on ALL the activities in which folks will be participating throughout the day. Please know that if, despite our best efforts, we fail in our desire to visit each activity in progress, it is not through lack of love and caring, but only through lack of time. Any activity we feel we can’t give sufficient TLC on the day of Investiture will become a particular priority at the next event!
– In regards to a request to squeeze in another activity, we encountered some misconceptions that we would like to address. In our hearts: no, we do not feel that the day of Investiture is about the baron and baroness – it is about the amazing, talented, gifted, hard-working people who create the unique community that is Carolingia, the barony that we love, and about demonstrating our love for the barony in as many ways as we possibly can…Investiture is for YOU 🙂
If you have questions, please do let us know – we are delighted to chat with you!
Nicolette: nb at nicolettebonhomme dot com
Colin: colin at bearatrest dot com